2015 Reflections from "The Number on Her Arm"

I know "The Number on Her Arm" hasn't been out a full year yet, but I still wanted to take some time to reflect on the amazing accomplishments we've made since launching in 2015 before 2016 hits. So please enjoy "The Number on Her Arm's" 2015 Top Ten List!

10 copies sold to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
978-0-692-47882-0 (our ISBN # making us an official book)
8 months prepping-editing, formatting, printing, networking
732 followers on Facebook
6 speaking events secured for 2016
500 copies printed (thank you PrintNinja!)
4 speaking events in 2015
3 interviews (thanks DCistKveller.com and WDDE 91.1)
2 exceptional artists who made the book beautiful
1 special set of grandparents who inspired this book

Happy almost 2016 everyone! Here's to even more accomplishments and dreams fulfilled in 2016. Thank you for believing in this little book with a big message.

PS I know it's been wayyy too long since I've posted a blog, I promise to remedy this in the New Year :)